Bearded Dragon Nails Curling! Diagnosis and Treatment

If your bearded dragon’s nails are curling, there could be a few reasons. First, check the stuff on the floor of its home and make sure it’s comfy for digging. Trim its nails regularly with a special reptile nail clipper or file. Give it different surfaces to climb on, like rocks or branches, to help keep its nails in check. Feed it a good mix of insects and veggies, and don’t forget the calcium to keep its nutrition in check.

Don’t let it get thirsty—make sure it always has clean water. Watch out for something called Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). It’s caused by not enough calcium. It can make nails and bones weak. Sometimes, if its nails are curling, it could just be genetics or getting older. But taking good care of it can help with these issues.

How to Address Bearded Dragon Nails Curling?

How to Address Bearded Dragon Nails Curling

Curling nails in bearded dragons can signal many health issues. You must fix them quickly to keep your pet healthy.

Wrong Flooring

The stuff on the floor of a bearded dragon’s home is important. It helps keep their nails healthy. If the floor stuff is too rough, the dragon’s nails might get all curled up. Bearded dragons like to dig, so the floor stuff should let them do that. Good floor options are reptile carpet, paper towels, or a mix of soil and sand.

Neglecting Nail Care

Bearded dragons, just like other reptiles, always have nails that keep growing. If we don’t trim their nails properly, they can get too long and start to curl. To take care of their nails, it’s important to know how their nails are built and use the right tools.

If we don’t trim them enough, the dragons might feel uncomfortable. They could have trouble moving and even get hurt.

Lack of Proper Surfaces

Bearded dragons need diverse surfaces in their habitat. They use them to do natural things like climb and scratch. Without these surfaces, nails may not naturally wear down, leading to curling. Rocks, branches, or reptile carpet let the bearded dragon do its natural behaviors. This promotes nail health. 

This enriching environment helps keep the dragon’s nails at a good length. It also adds to the dragon’s mental and physical well-being.

Nutritional Deficiency

Giving your bearded dragon a good mix of foods is important to keep their nails healthy. They need nutrients like calcium to make sure their nails and bones stay strong. If they don’t get enough calcium, it could lead to problems. These problems include Metabolic Bone Disease, which is not good for their health. 


Bearded dragons are from dry areas. They might not show signs if they’re thirsty. So, owners must watch out. Not drinking enough water can make their nails weak and cause other health problems. 

To keep them hydrated, always have fresh water available. Watch how much they drink. Also, consider things like humidity where they live. Spotting small signs of dehydration is important. These signs include sunken eyes or being less active. They help for fixing nail issues early.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

When bearded dragons don’t get enough of the right stuff like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D3, they can get a serious problem called MBD. This messes up their bones, making them weak and weird, and it can mess up their nails too.

Age and Genetics

As bearded dragons age, usually at 4 to 6 years old, specific genes become more important. At this point, you may be more likely to see curled nails. Aging can change the structure and growth of nails. Some genes may also affect nail health. 

Although these things can’t always be avoided, special care for older bearded dragons is very important. This means knowing their special needs, like changes in diet, living conditions, and regular vet visits.

What are the Effective Treatments for Bearded Dragon Nails Curling?

What are the Effective Treatments for Bearded Dragon Nails Curling

If you notice that your bearded dragon’s nails are curling, act fast. This will prevent discomfort and health problems. Here are some effective treatments and preventive measures for bearded dragon nails curling:

Substrate Evaluation and Improvement

The stuff on the floor of a bearded dragon’s house is important. It affects lots of things, like their nails. To check it, see if it feels rough and if it lets the dragon dig. If it’s too rough or stops them from digging, you need to make it better. 

Good floor options are reptile carpet, paper towels, or a mix of soil and sand. Keep checking and improving the floor to make sure your dragon’s nails stay healthy and they’re happy overall.

Proper Nail Trimming Techniques

Cutting a bearded dragon’s nails the right way is really important to keep them comfy and stop problems like curled nails. Knowing how their nails are made is key for good trimming. Use special reptile nail clippers or files to do it safely without hurting them. Be careful of the quick, which is the blood part inside the nail. 

Trim their nails regularly, so they don’t get too long. It takes patience, knowing how your dragon acts, and being gentle to make sure it’s a good experience for them.

Providing Varied Surfaces

Make your bearded dragon’s home like the wild. Put in things to climb on, like rocks, branches, and reptile carpet. This helps them act like they would naturally, climbing and scratching. Doing these things helps keep their nails from curling. 

Giving them different surfaces is good for their nails. It also keeps them happy and healthy by keeping them active and interested.

Balanced Diet and Calcium Supplementation

Making sure your bearded dragon eats a good mix of foods is important for their health, especially to keep their nails strong. Give them lots of different bugs and veggies to make sure they get all the nutrients they need. Also, they need extra calcium for their bones and nails to grow right. The balance between calcium and phosphorus is really important. 

Furthermore, make sure their food has what they need, and check with the vet regularly to adjust their diet based on what your dragon needs. This helps stop problems with their nails because of not getting the right nutrients.

Ensuring Proper Hydration

To keep your bearded dragon healthy and avoid nail problems, it’s vital to make sure they drink enough water. Bearded dragons might not always show clear signs if they’re thirsty, so you need to actively check and make sure they’re getting proper water. Give them fresh and clean water regularly. 

Pay attention to how they behave and look out for small signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes or low energy. Providing enough water doesn’t just help their nails; it keeps your dragon healthy overall.

Addressing Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

What It IsMBD (a bad bone problem)
Why It HappensNot enough good stuff in the food, like calcium
What It DoesMakes bones weak, bend funny, and hurts nails
Messes UpThe whole skeleton
How to Stop ItEat foods with lots of calcium, get sunlight or special lights, and see the doctor if something seems wrong
Good FoodsEat special dragon food with lots of calcium
Special LightsGet sunlight or special lights for strong bones
If Something’s WrongGo to the doctor right away
ChancesDoing these things makes it much less likely to get sick: 90% .

How to Prevent Bearded Dragon Nails from Curling?

How to Prevent Bearded Dragon Nails from Curling

Regular vet check-ups and ongoing monitoring should be part of bearded dragon care. They let owners prevent and address nail problems. Let”s take a detail look

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular vet check-ups are essential for bearded dragons. The check-ups go beyond fixing immediate concerns. They are vital for finding early signs of health issues. This includes those related to nail health. Vets assess the dragon’s health, diet, and signs of age or genetics. 

Routine check-ups also allow changes in care. These changes can involve diet, supplements, and the environment. Preventive vet care ensures that problems are found early. This helps the long-term health of the bearded dragon.

Ongoing Monitoring and Care

Keep an eye on your bearded dragon every day to make sure they’re doing well. Watch how they act, if they eat right, and check their body. Look at their nails regularly to see if they’re growing weird or curling. Also, make sure their home is good. It needs the right stuff on the floor and things to climb on. Also, make sure they drink enough water. 

In addition, keep giving them good food and what they need extra, and if anything seems different, fix it fast. Doing these things early helps stop big health problems for your dragon.


Why is my bearded dragon losing its nails?

Bearded dragons may lose their nails for reasons like bad substrate or not trimming. They may also lose nails due to age and genetics.

Do bearded dragons have nerves in their nails?

Yes, bearded dragons have nerves in their nails. It’s important to trim their nails carefully to avoid causing them discomfort.

What does calcium deficiency look like in bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons with a lack of calcium can get weak. They can also get bone and nail deformities. They are also at higher risk of metabolic bone disease (MBD).

What are signs that your bearded dragon is dehydrated?

Bearded dragons show signs of dehydration. These include sunken eyes, lethargy, and changes in skin elasticity. 

Do bearded dragons’ nails hurt?

Yes, if bearded dragons’ nails are too long or improperly trimmed, it can cause discomfort and even pain. Regular and proper nail care is essential.

At what age do bearded dragons stop shedding?

Bearded dragons generally continue shedding throughout their lives. However, the frequency of shedding may decrease with age. Older dragons may shed less often than younger ones.

Final Words

On the whole, it’s vital to check a bearded dragon’s nails. It’s key for their happiness and health. If the floor isn’t right, their nails might curl, so fix that. Trim their nails right. Give them things to climb on. Feed them good food with extra calcium to keep their nails strong. 

Furthermore, make sure they drink enough water, and if there’s a problem with their bones, deal with it fast. Vets check on the dragons regularly, and owners keep an eye on them every day. This helps keep the dragons happy and healthy, preventing any big problems.

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