Why Is My Bearded Dragon Blood In Poop?

bearded dragon blood in poop

Hey there! If you’ve noticed blood in your bearded dragon’s poop, you’re probably feeling worried and unsure about what’s going on. There are several reasons why your bearded dragon might have blood in its stool Dietary issues, such as consuming sharp or indigestible objects, may cause internal bleeding. Parasites like pinworms or coccidia can also … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato Leaves?

can bearded dragons eat tomato leaves

No, bearded dragons should not eat tomato leaves. Tomato leaves have harmful substances. These include solanine and tomatine. If ingested, they can be toxic to your pet. These toxins can lead to digestive issues, lethargy, and even more serious health problems. It’s important to avoid feeding tomato leaves to your pet dragon to keep them … Read more

Bearded Dragon Aspirated Water! There Are Risks Involved

Bearded Dragon Aspirated Water

When a bearded dragon accidentally swallows water, it’s called “aspirated water.” Aspirated water can make them very sick and even put their life at risk. So, if your bearded dragon ingests water by mistake, it’s important to act quickly. Here’s what you can do: First, remove any extra water from their habitat to prevent them … Read more

Why is Your Bearded Dragon Drinking a Lot of Water?

Bearded Dragon Drinking a Lot of Water

If your bearded dragon drinks a lot of water, it means they’re not feeling well. This can happen if they don’t get enough water or if their home is too dry. Sometimes, when they take a long nap-like rest called brumation, they drink more water too. But if your dragon acts sick, like being tired … Read more

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Running Around Tank?

bearded dragon running around tank

Bearded dragons sometimes run around in their tank for different reasons. They might be curious and want to check out their home or see what’s new. Also, they might think they’re hunting if they see something moving. Sometimes, they’re just looking for a cozy spot to warm up. But if they run too much, it … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Smell? Of Course!

Can Bearded Dragons Smell

Yes, bearded dragons can indeed smell. They use their specialized olfactory system, including nasal receptors, to detect scents in their environment. This sense of smell is vital for various aspects of their lives. Bearded dragons use it to find food by following scent trails, communicate through scent marking for territory or mating, and navigate their … Read more

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping with Head Up? 

bearded dragon sleeping with head up

Your bearded dragon is sleeping with its head up for various reasons. One common cause is temperature regulation. By lifting their heads, they can cool down if they’re feeling too warm. The ideal sleep temperature for them is around 70°F. Additionally, this position helps them stay awake and aware of what’s around them, ensuring their … Read more

Why Bearded Dragon Nostril Shed?

bearded dragon nostril shed

Bearded dragons, like many reptiles, shed their skin regularly as they grow. Shedding can occur on various parts of the body, including the nostrils. When a bearded dragon is about to shed, you may notice changes in its behavior and appearance. If you observe that your bearded dragon’s nostrils are about to shed, there are … Read more