Why Is My Bearded Dragon Running Around Tank?

Bearded dragons sometimes run around in their tank for different reasons. They might be curious and want to check out their home or see what’s new. Also, they might think they’re hunting if they see something moving. Sometimes, they’re just looking for a cozy spot to warm up. But if they run too much, it could mean they’re stressed because something’s not right in their tank. 

However, If you have more than one dragon, they might be doing some special moves during the mating season. Besides, running can also help them stay healthy by giving them exercise.

In this article, we’ll look into why your bearded dragon running around its tank and what steps you can take to help it.

Some Common Reasons For Bearded Dragons Running Around Their Tank

Some Common Reasons For Bearded Dragons Running Around Their Tank

Bearded dragons are naturally curious creatures and have various reasons for moving around their tank:


Bearded dragons are really curious creatures. In the wild, they like to check out what’s around them, looking for food, a cozy spot, or a friend. Even when they’re kept as pets, they still have this urge to explore. 

Putting different things like decorations, things to climb on. And, spots to hide in their tank can help keep them interested and exploring.


Bearded dragons love finding food, searching for it a lot in the wild. Even as pets, they keep this hunting habit. They might explore their tank for missed bugs or plants, especially when they’re hungry.


Bearded dragons require a specific temperature range to maintain their health and metabolism. Their tank should provide a gradient of temperatures, including a warm basking spot and cooler areas. 

When bearded dragons feel too cold, they go near the warm spot. If they’re too hot, they go to cooler places.

Social Interaction

While bearded dragons are primarily solitary animals, they can sometimes exhibit social behaviors, especially during breeding season. When lots of dragons live together, sometimes they show who’s boss by doing things like bobbing their heads or waving their arms.

However, keeping multiple dragons together in the same enclosure can also lead to stress or aggression. So, it’s important to monitor their behavior closely in such situations.


Like all animals, bearded dragons require regular exercise to stay healthy and maintain muscle tone. Movement stimulates blood flow, aids in digestion, and prevents obesity. 

They are encouraged to wander around and remain active in their cage by having plenty of room and environmental enrichment.


Bearded dragons can become stressed if they feel threatened or if their environment is not suitable. In such cases, they try to escape by moving around their tank in search of a more secure or comfortable location. 

It’s essential to ensure that their tank is properly set up with adequate hiding spots, proper temperatures, and appropriate substrate to minimize stress.


Bearded dragons are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. Basking under a heat lamp or UVB light is essential for their overall health, as it helps them metabolize calcium and synthesize vitamin D3. 

By moving around their tank, they can find the optimal basking spot to soak up the warmth and UVB rays they need.

Environmental Stimuli

Bearded dragons are sensitive to changes in their environment, including variations in lighting, sounds, or movements. They react to these stimuli by moving around their tank to investigate or respond accordingly. 

However, providing a stable and predictable environment can help reduce stress and promote healthy behavior.

Why is My Bearded Dragon Running Around at Night?

Bearded dragons tend to relax at night, but if yours is always running about, it may be under stress. Since these lizards like the daylight, it’s acceptable to see them wandering about after dusk. They may just be taking a stroll or stretching. Verify the lighting and tank temperature are appropriate for them. 

Additionally, observe them during the day to make sure everything is well. A reptile veterinarian can assist you if you’re still concerned.


Here are responses to frequently asked questions.

Q. Why does my bearded dragon keep running into walls?

Bearded dragons might run into walls due to territorial behavior or improper lighting affecting their depth perception.

Q. How do you entertain a bearded dragon?

Entertain a bearded dragon with basking spots, hiding spots, climbing branches, and by introducing safe objects for exploration.

Q. Can bearded dragons get stressed from moving?

Yes, moving can stress bearded dragons; minimize stress by maintaining a consistent environment and providing familiar items.

Final Words

Bearded dragons are known to do regular runs in their tanks. However, if they are racing about like crazy or acting strangely, it may indicate that something is wrong. Figuring out why they’re doing it and resolving any issues will help keep your dragon comfortable and healthy in its tank.

Also, keep an eye on them, make sure their tank is properly set up, and get them checked out by a vet regularly to ensure they are receiving the best possible care.

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