Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping with Head Up? 

Your bearded dragon is sleeping with its head up for various reasons. One common cause is temperature regulation. By lifting their heads, they can cool down if they’re feeling too warm. The ideal sleep temperature for them is around 70°F.

Additionally, this position helps them stay awake and aware of what’s around them, ensuring their safety while they rest. Sometimes, if their stomach feels uncomfortable, they might sleep like this to feel better. Moreover, if they feel worried or stressed, they might sleep in this position.

Also, if they’re hurt, they might lean on the tank glass. However, it’s essential to monitor your dragon’s health and behavior regularly.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping with Head Up?

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping with Head Up

Let’s have a look at the common reasons why your beardie is sleeping like this in detail. 

Comfort and temperature regulation

Bearded dragons may sleep with their heads up as a means of finding comfort and regulating their body temperature. 

By lifting their heads, they can adjust their position to maintain an optimal temperature. This behavior allows them to cool down if they are feeling too warm, as they may seek cooler air near the top of their enclosure. 

Additionally, Some bearded dragons simply find it more comfortable to sleep with their heads raised. It’s similar to how humans might adjust their sleeping position to feel more at ease.

Alertness and safety

Sleeping with their heads up also enables bearded dragons to remain alert and aware of their surroundings, even while resting. 

In the wild, bearded dragons have enemies like predators. Staying alert during sleep helps them spot danger and react quickly.

By keeping their heads raised, they can quickly assess their environment and react to any potential threats. This behavior shows their natural instinct to protect themselves. Even in captivity, where there are fewer predators.It helps keep them safe.

Digestive issues

If a bearded dragon has tummy problems, they might sleep with their heads up. This helps them feel better because it helps with digestion and lowers the chance of throwing up.

This position can also help food move through the digestive system. It’s especially useful after the dragon has eaten a lot or if their stomach feels upset.

Sleeping with their heads up helps bearded dragons stay in a natural position. It’s good for their stomach and makes them feel comfy.

Stress or anxiety

Stress or anxiety can also contribute to why bearded dragons sleep with their heads up. Bearded dragons might sometimes act differently when things around them change or they feel stressed. This behavior is their way of dealing with those changes or stress.

Loud noises, sudden movements, or changes in routine can stress out bearded dragons. This might make them sleep in a more watchful way.

Sleeping with their heads up helps them stay alert and ready to react to any possible dangers or changes. This helps them handle stressful situations better.

Is it normal for a bearded dragon to sleep in this position?

Yes, it is normal for a bearded dragon to sleep in the head-up position. Many bearded dragons exhibit this behavior. It is considered a natural sleeping position for them. 

Some people might find it strange, especially if they don’t know much about reptiles. But usually, it’s nothing to worry about. Bearded dragons sleep in their own special ways, and sleeping with their heads up is just one of them.

So, if your dragon seems healthy and acts normal when awake, sleeping with its head up is usually okay for bearded dragons.

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep In Weird Positions?

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep In Weird Positions

Yes, bearded dragons can sometimes sleep in what might seem like unusual or “weird” positions to human observers. 

Bearded dragons can adopt various sleeping positions, and what’s considered “normal” can vary between individuals. However, some common sleeping positions observed in bearded dragons include

Head-up position: As discussed earlier, this is when the dragon sleeps with its head raised off the ground, often resting against an object such as the enclosure glass or a branch.

Flat position: In this position, the bearded dragon lies flat on its stomach with its legs stretched out behind it. The head may be slightly raised or turned to the side.

Curled position: Similar to how they might bask during the day, some bearded dragons curl up into a ball while sleeping. They tuck their limbs underneath their body and may rest their head on their tail.

Stretched-out position: Bearded dragons may also sleep with their bodies stretched out flat on the substrate or a basking surface. Their legs are usually extended, and their bodies may be slightly raised off the ground.

Partially hidden position: Bearded dragons may seek out hiding spots or vegetation to sleep partially concealed. They may rest under rocks, branches, or in hollow logs, with only part of their body visible.

How Do I Care For My Bearded Dragon If It Always Sleeps With Its Head Up?

If your bearded dragon consistently sleeps with its head up, there are several steps you can take to ensure it receives the best care. Watch how it acts and make sure it’s not acting strangely. Make sure its home has the right temperature, with a warm spot for the day and a cooler spot for the night. 

Moreover, makes its home cozy with things to climb on and hide under. Give it good food and water every day. Take it to the vet sometimes to make sure it’s healthy. 

Give it toys and change its home around sometimes to keep it happy. If you’re worried about your dragon, ask a vet for help.


Here are answers to some of the questions you frequently pose.

Q. Is my bearded dragon sleeping or stressed?

If your bearded dragon sleeps in a strange position like standing up, it’s probably just their way of resting. But if they show other signs like hiding or changing colors, they might be stressed. In that case, it’s good to check if everything in their home is okay or ask a vet for help.

Q. Why does my bearded dragon sleep in the corner?

Sometimes, bearded dragons like to sleep in corners because they feel safe there. Make sure their home is comfy and has enough space. If your dragon hides a lot, it’s smart to make sure they’re healthy and not stressed.

Q. What does an unhappy bearded dragon look like?

If your bearded dragon seems unhappy, they might hide, puff up their beard, or change color. It’s important to pay attention to them and see if they need anything. Sometimes they just need a change in their environment or a visit to the vet.

Q. Why is my bearded dragon sleeping upright?

Sometimes bearded dragons sleep in funny positions like standing up, and that’s okay! It might be because they’re trying to cool down. Just make sure their home is comfy and the right temperature. If they seem healthy otherwise, there’s usually nothing to worry about.

Final thoughts

So, why does your bearded dragon sleep with its head up? There are a few reasons! Maybe it’s feeling a little warm and wants to cool down, or maybe it just finds that position comfy. It could even be keeping an eye out for anything scary!

The important thing is to make sure your bearded dragon has a nice environment to sleep in, with the right temperature and hiding spots if it wants them. Keep an eye on your dragon’s behavior too, and if anything seems off, talk to a vet who knows about reptiles.

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