Can a Bearded Dragon Drink Too Much Water? Health Insights

Yes, bearded dragons can drink too much water, and that’s not good for them. It can cause problems like tummy aches, runny poop (diarrhea), and damage to the kidneys.

So, it’s important to watch how much water they drink. They usually know when to stop when they’ve had enough. Drinking a lot of water quickly or eating foods with lots of water, like fruits and veggies, can make them drink too much. 

Also, if a bearded dragon has a kidney problem, it might not be able to get rid of extra water. So, while it’s not super common, it’s something to be aware of and keep an eye on if you have a pet bearded dragon.

How Much Water Do Bearded Dragons Need? 

How Much Water Do Bearded Dragons Need?

Bearded dragons, like all reptiles, require water for their health and well-being.  First of all, bearded dragons are ectothermic creatures, meaning they rely on their environment for temperature regulation. 

If their surroundings are too cool, their metabolism slows down, leading to potential health problems. Proper hydration is crucial to help them manage their body temperature.

The amount of water a bearded dragon needs depends on several factors, including their size, age, and activity level. On average, they need around 10-30 milliliters of water daily, aligning with the 10% body weight guideline. However, it’s important to remember that their water needs can fluctuate.

While hydration is critical, overwatering your bearded dragon can be harmful. Excessive water intake, if not appropriately managed, may lead to medical issues like pneumonia or renal disease.

Bearded Dragon Species, Characteristics, and Water Consumption Rates

Bearded dragons, as a species, share some general water consumption characteristics. However, individual variations can occur due to factors like age, size, and overall health. Here’s a breakdown of the common bearded dragon species and their typical water consumption rates in a table

Bearded Dragon SpeciesGeographic RangeAdult SizeWater Consumption Rate (per day)
Pogona vitticepsCentral AustraliaUp to 24 inches10-30 ml
Pogona barbataEastern AustraliaUp to 24 inches10-30 ml
Pogona henrylawsoniNorth-Western AustraliaUp to 12 inches10-20 ml
Pogona minorWestern Australia and NTUp to 12 inches10-20 ml
Pogona microlepidotaKimberley Region, AustraliaUp to 10 inches10-20 ml
Pogona mitchelliNorthern AustraliaUp to 20 inches10-30 ml

What Are The Causes Of Overhydration? 

What Are The Causes Of Overhydration?
  • Unrestricted Water Access: Bearded dragons may accidentally overdrink if they have unrestricted access to a large water dish in their enclosure. Owners should provide a shallow dish to minimize the risk of excessive water intake.
  • High-Water Content Foods: Some foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, have a high water content. If bearded dragons consume an excessive amount of these watery foods, it can contribute to overhydration. Owners should moderate their dragon’s diet to prevent this.
  • Individual Drinking Behaviors: However, individual bearded dragons can have different drinking behaviors. Some may be more inclined to drink more water than others, which is why it’s essential to monitor their habits and adjust water availability accordingly.
  • Underlying Health Problems: Underlying health problems, such as kidney issues, can impair a bearded dragon’s ability to regulate water intake. Dragons with kidney problems may not excrete excess water efficiently, which can lead to overhydration.
  • Environmental Conditions: Environmental conditions, such as humidity levels within the enclosure, can also influence a dragon’s hydration. High humidity might reduce their need for water intake from external sources, while low humidity can increase their thirst.
  • Optimal Humidity Range: The best humidity range for your bearded dragon’s home is between 30% and 40%. You can maintain this level by keeping an eye on the humidity using a hygrometer and misting the enclosure when necessary. This ensures a comfortable and healthy environment for your pet.
  • Stress and Routine Changes: Furthermore, stressful situations or significant changes in a dragon’s routine can affect their drinking behavior. Some bearded dragons may respond to stress by drinking more water, which can lead to overhydration.
  • Owner Vigilance: In some cases, overhydration may occur due to a lack of vigilance on the owner’s part. Regularly monitoring your bearded dragon’s water intake, behavior, and physical condition is crucial to identify and address any concerns.

What Are The Signs of Overhydration For a Bearded Dragon?

What Are The Signs of Overhydration For a Bearded Dragon?

Recognizing signs of overhydration in your bearded dragon is crucial to maintaining their health. Here are common indicators to watch for

Swollen Limbs

Bearded dragons with excess water intake may develop swollen limbs, particularly the legs and sometimes even the body. The swelling can make them appear puffy, and the skin may feel stretched.


Overhydration can lead to lethargy and a notable lack of energy. Your usually active and lively dragon may become unusually sluggish and less interested in its surroundings or activities.

Runny Stool

Overhydration often results in watery, runny stool. If you notice that your bearded dragon’s feces appear unusually loose or liquid, it’s a clear sign of excessive water intake.


Excessive water can upset your bearded dragon’s stomach and lead to vomiting. This can be distressing for both the pet and the owner.

Loss of Appetite

Overhydrated bearded dragons may lose their appetite. A sudden disinterest in food, especially when combined with other signs, can be indicative of a hydration issue.

Difficulty Breathing

In severe cases of overhydration, bearded dragons may struggle to breathe. This occurs due to fluid retention in the lungs, making respiration difficult. If you observe labored breathing, it’s a critical emergency.


Overhydration can affect the appearance of your dragon’s scales. Their skin may become discolored, often appearing dull or darker than usual. This change in skin tone is a visual cue to overhydration.

Lack of Coordination

Bearded dragons with excess water intake may exhibit a lack of coordination. They may struggle with steady movements, making them appear unsteady or wobbly.

What Are the Consequences of Overhydration in Bearded Dragons?

Overhydration in bearded dragons can have severe health implications, potentially leading to a range of medical issues.

Respiratory Distress

Overhydration can lead to the accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs, causing severe respiratory distress. Bearded dragons may struggle to breathe, exhibiting labored and rapid respiration. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate intervention.

Kidney Damage

Bearded dragons’ kidneys play a pivotal role in maintaining their water balance. Overhydration can strain these organs, potentially leading to kidney damage or even renal failure. This can result in a cascade of health issues.

Electrolyte Imbalance

Excessive water intake disrupts the delicate balance of electrolytes in the body. It can lead to an imbalance in crucial electrolytes like sodium and potassium. This can cause muscle weakness, tremors, and other neurological problems.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Overhydration often upsets the digestive system. Bearded dragons may experience diarrhea and vomiting due to the excess water in their bodies. Gastrointestinal distress can further weaken the animal.

Skin Issues

Bearded dragons with overhydration may develop noticeable skin problems. Their skin can appear puffy and discolored, often taking on a dull or darkened hue.

Lethargy and Weakness

Overhydrated dragons typically display lethargy and weakness. They become less active, lose interest in their surroundings, and have difficulty moving. This weakened state can impact their overall quality of life.

Reduced Appetite

Overhydration often leads to a loss of appetite. A disinterested or unwillingness to eat can exacerbate the dragon’s weakened state, making it challenging to provide them with proper nutrition.


Respiratory issues associated with overhydration can increase the risk of pneumonia, a severe respiratory infection. This can be especially dangerous for bearded dragons, as it further complicates their breathing difficulties.

General Health Deterioration

Overhydration can result in a gradual deterioration of the dragon’s overall health. Their immune system may become compromised, making them more susceptible to other diseases and infections. 

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Drink Water?

Bearded Dragons, originally from arid parts of Australia, are well adapted to conserve water. They don’t need as much water as other pet reptiles. While it’s best to offer fresh water every day, they only need to drink about twice a week. 

To ensure they stay hydrated, it’s important to also give them moist greens like lettuce, cabbage, and beet tops.

In the wild, bearded dragons often struggle with dehydration due to low moisture in their surroundings. 

So, watch for signs like sunken eyes or dry, wrinkly skin. Keep an eye on their poop too; it should look healthy. If you notice anything unusual, consult a vet for a checkup. 

With proper care, access to fresh water, and moisture-rich greens, your Bearded Dragon can stay healthy and happy.

How Much Do Baby Bearded Dragons Drink?

How Much Do Baby Bearded Dragons Drink?

Hydration needs of baby bearded dragons are essential for their well-being and growth as these small reptiles have unique drinking habits that require special attention

Weight Matters, Not Age

The amount of water baby bearded dragons need isn’t about their age; it’s about their weight. For every 10 grams of weight, they require about 0.1 ml of water. This water is crucial for their body to carry out essential functions.

Monitoring Their Weight

To ensure your baby bearded dragon gets the right amount of water, regularly weigh them. This helps you figure out how much liquid they need for their size.

Balanced Diet

Baby bearded dragons should eat a mix of vegetables and insects. While adult dragons get most of their moisture from veggies (80%), babies need more water, so they should have a diet that’s about 20% veggies and 80% insects. This balance is essential for hydration, digestion, and a strong immune system.

Frequent Watering

Baby bearded dragons may need to drink more often than adults because their diet is different. Pay attention to their behavior and hydration cues to make sure they’re getting enough water.

What Temperature Of Water Should Bearded Dragons Drink?

Bearded dragons typically prefer drinking water at a temperature similar to their environment, which is warm. 

Most bearded dragons will happily drink water at room temperature, which is usually around 75-80°F (24-27°C).

If you’re unsure, providing slightly lukewarm water can be a safe bet. This means the water should feel comfortably warm to the touch, similar to their basking spot temperature.

However, avoid offering water that’s too hot or too cold. Bearded dragons may be less inclined to drink if the water is too far from the temperature of their surroundings.

Consider making minor temperature adjustments to the water based on seasonal changes in your dragon’s environment. In warmer weather, room temperature water is usually sufficient, but during cooler months, lukewarm water might be more appealing.

How can I prevent my bearded dragon from drinking too much water?

Preventing your bearded dragon from drinking too much water is crucial to their health. Here are some steps you can take to manage their water intake

Use a Shallow Dish

Provide a shallow water dish that allows easy access but prevents them from submerging themselves. The dish should be small enough that it won’t encourage excess drinking.

Monitor Water Levels

Keep an eye on the water levels in the dish. If you notice your bearded dragon drinking excessively, you can reduce the amount of water you offer.

Limit Water Access

Offer water daily, but don’t leave it in the enclosure around the clock. Remove the water dish after a set period, such as an hour, to prevent continuous drinking.

Adjust Diet

Focus on providing a balanced diet that doesn’t include overly watery foods. Limit fruits and vegetables with high water content and ensure your dragon gets a primarily insect-based diet.

Observe Drinking Behavior

Pay attention to your bearded dragon’s drinking behavior. They usually drink when they’re thirsty and stop when they’ve had enough. If you see them drinking excessively, investigate the underlying cause, such as diet or environmental conditions.

Regular Vet Checkups

Schedule regular checkups with a reptile veterinarian who can monitor your dragon’s health and advise you on hydration and dietary needs.

Proper Hydration

Make sure your dragon is neither dehydrated nor overhydrated. The ideal hydration is critical for their health.


Why is my beardie so thirsty?

Bearded dragons may become excessively thirsty due to environmental factors, high temperatures, or underlying health issues. It’s important to monitor their water intake and consult a vet if the excessive thirst persists.

Should I let my bearded dragon keep drinking water in the bath?

Yes, you can allow them to drink water in the bath. Allowing your bearded dragon to drink water during a bath is generally safe and can aid hydration. However, it’s essential to ensure the water is clean, and they don’t ingest harmful substances.

What is overhydration poop in bearded dragons?

Overhydration can lead to watery, runny stools in bearded dragons. These feces may appear loose, indicating excessive water intake and potential health concerns.

What are the signs of poisoning in bearded dragons?

Signs of poisoning in bearded dragons may include lethargy, seizures, disorientation, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you suspect poisoning, seek immediate veterinary assistance.

What is the most common cause of death in bearded dragons?

Respiratory infections, parasitic infestations, and improper husbandry are common causes of death in bearded dragons. Regular vet checkups and proper care can help prevent these issues.

What does a sick beardie look like?

A sick bearded dragon may exhibit symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, labored breathing, sunken eyes, skin issues, or unusual behavior. Prompt veterinary attention is crucial when these signs are observed.

What can make a bearded dragon sick?

Several factors can make a bearded dragon sick, including poor husbandry practices, insufficient temperatures, unsanitary enclosures, improper diet, or exposure to toxins. Providing proper care and a clean environment is essential for their health.

Final words

To sum up, while bearded dragons need water for their well-being, they can drink too much. Overhydration can lead to various health issues, including respiratory distress and kidney problems. The key is to strike a balance, offering access to water while monitoring their intake. 

By providing a shallow dish, moderating their diet, and observing their behavior, you can help your bearded dragon stay properly hydrated and healthy. Remember, every dragon is unique, and what works best may vary. Regular vet checkups and attentive care will go a long way in ensuring your scaly friend thrives.

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