Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts? Yes, of course!

Bearded Dragons eat all sorts of different things, which can sometimes be surprising. One question that often comes up among people who like reptiles is Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts? Yes, bearded dragons can eat locusts. Locusts are good food for them because they’re full of protein and other important nutrients. 

But make sure the locusts are the right size for your dragon and come from a safe place. This helps avoid any problems from things like chemicals or pesticides. 

In this post, we’ll look at whether locusts are excellent food for bearded dragons and provide some advice on how to feed them to your pet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts? Is It Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Yes, locusts are safe for bearded dragons to eat. They provide essential nutrients like protein and minerals. Their high protein content supports growth, muscle development, and overall health.

Bearded dragons require a balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio for proper bone health. The ideal calcium-phosphorus ratio for bearded dragons is approximately 2:1, with calcium being twice as abundant as phosphorus. This ratio is essential for proper bone mineralization and overall skeletal health in these reptiles. Locusts provide both calcium and phosphorus, making them a valuable addition to the diet.

The quality of the locusts’ diet matters. “Gut loading” involves feeding the insects nutritious foods before offering them to your dragon. This ensures that the locusts themselves become nutrient-rich. Choose gut-loaded locusts to enhance their nutritional value.

How Many Locusts To Feed A Bearded Dragon?

How Many Locusts To Feed A Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons can safely consume locusts as part of their diet. Here’s how you can incorporate locusts into your bearded dragon’s meals

Age GroupFeeding FrequencyRecommended Quantity
Adult Dragons1-2 times/weekAs many as desired within 10-15 mins
Juvenile Dragons2 times/day5-6 locusts/feeding
Older DragonsOnce/day7-8 locusts/feeding

Can My Bearded Dragon Eat Dead Locusts?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dead locusts, but there are some important considerations

  • Live insects are more nutritious for their diet compared to dead ones. Dead insects can be used as a supplement, but they don’t offer the same nutritional benefits.
  • If feeding dead locusts, remove the wings and legs first as they can be harmful if ingested. Ensure the locusts are fresh and not spoiled.
  • Rotate between live and dead insects to provide a diverse diet. Live insects offer mental stimulation and satisfy your bearded dragon’s natural hunting instincts.

Can a Bearded Dragon Eat Desert Locust?

Yes, desert locusts are a great food option for bearded dragons, especially adult or larger beardies. 

They offer a change from other feeder insects like crickets, which can help keep your beardie’s diet interesting. Desert locusts can be quite large, making them a good fit for adult bearded dragons. An adult desert locust can grow to be about 7-8 centimeters (around 3 inches) in length.

They are also relatively heavy for their size, weighing about 2 grams each. This makes them much bigger and heavier than the common house grasshopper, which typically only grows to be about 1-2 centimeters long. But there are some considerations before you feed them to your pet. Desert locusts may carry parasites or diseases that can harm your bearded dragon. 

Also, gut-loading feeder insects with nutritious food ensures your bearded dragon gets the vitamins and minerals it needs. Desert locusts might be difficult to gut-load properly.

Factors to Consider Before Feeding Locusts to Bearded Dragons

Pick locusts that are the right size for your dragon’s eyes. Make sure they’re not too big. Young dragons can handle smaller insects, while adults can tackle larger ones. Avoid offering locusts that are too large, as they may cause choking or digestive issues.

While locusts are beneficial, don’t rely solely on them. Vary your bearded dragon’s diet by including other insects (such as crickets and mealworms) and a variety of vegetables. Moderation is key. Introduce locusts gradually and observe your dragon’s response. Too many locusts can lead to imbalances in their diet.

Always keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s health. If you notice any adverse reactions after feeding locusts, consult a reptile veterinarian promptly.

What Essential Nutrients Do Locusts Offer For Bearded Dragons?

What Essential Nutrients Do Locusts Offer For Bearded Dragons

Locusts offer a well-rounded nutritional profile suitable for bearded dragons. Compared to other feed options like crickets and mealworms, locusts provide higher levels of protein, essential amino acids, and certain vitamins and minerals. 


Locusts are a rich source of protein, which is essential for muscle development, growth, and overall health in bearded dragons. Fresh locusts have a lot of protein, around 25-35% when they’re dried out. Their protein content is usually between 50-65%, but it can vary.

Protein provides the building blocks for tissues, enzymes, and hormones, supporting various physiological functions. Also, Locusts provide a good amount of energy for your dragon’s needs. Their energy content is approximately 179 kcal per 100 grams.


Bearded dragons require calcium for strong bones, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission. Locusts contain calcium, although the levels may vary depending on factors such as the locust’s diet and life stage. 

Providing proper calcium helps prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD) and ensures proper skeletal development.


Phosphorus is another important mineral found in locusts, contributing to energy metabolism, cell structure, and bone formation.While phosphorus is necessary for overall health, an imbalance in the calcium-phosphorus ratio can lead to metabolic disorders in bearded dragons. 

Locusts typically contain phosphorus in an appropriate ratio with calcium, supporting bone health and metabolic functions.


Locusts are a good source of iron, a mineral essential for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body, supporting cellular respiration and metabolic processes. 

Adequate iron intake helps prevent anemia and ensures proper oxygenation of tissues in bearded dragons.


Locusts contain various vitamins that contribute to bearded dragons’ overall health and well-being. Vitamin A supports vision, skin health, and immune function, while B vitamins play roles in energy metabolism, nervous system function, and enzyme activities. 

Vitamin D3 is crucial for calcium absorption and bone mineralization, ensuring proper skeletal development and growth.


While not a nutrient per se, water is essential for maintaining hydration and supporting various physiological processes in bearded dragons. 

Fresh locusts contain water, contributing to overall hydration and helping prevent dehydration in these reptiles.

How to Feed Locusts to Bearded Dragons Safely?

How to Feed Locusts to Bearded Dragons Safely

Feeding your bearded dragon locusts is good for them, but it’s important to keep them safe and healthy. Let’s have a look at how can you feed them to your beardie.

Preparing Locusts for Feeding

Ensure that the locusts you feed your bearded dragon are obtained from reputable suppliers. This helps minimize the risk of contamination with pesticides or other harmful substances.

Before offering locusts to your bearded dragon, consider gut-loading them with nutritious foods. This involves feeding the locusts various fruits, vegetables, and commercial gut-loading diets rich in vitamins and minerals. Gut loading enhances the nutritional value of the locusts, ensuring your dragon receives optimal benefits.

Consider dusting the locusts with calcium and vitamin supplements before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This helps boost the reptile’s intake of essential nutrients, particularly calcium, which is crucial for bone health.

Monitoring the Bearded Dragon’s Response to Locusts

Watch your bearded dragon closely after feeding it locusts to observe its behavior and overall health. Look for signs of distress, such as lethargy, abnormal bowel movements, or changes in appetite.

Be aware of any allergic reactions your dragon may have to locusts, such as swelling or itching around the mouth or throat. If you suspect an allergic reaction, discontinue feeding locusts and consult with a reptile veterinarian.

Monitor your dragon’s digestive health, ensuring that it passes feces regularly and without difficulty. If you notice any signs of gastrointestinal distress, such as bloating or constipation, adjust the feeding regimen and consult with a veterinarian if necessary.

Potential Risks or Concerns Feeding Locusts to Bearded Dragons

When feeding locusts to bearded dragons, potential risks or concerns include

  • If the locusts are too large or not properly prepared, they can pose a choking risk to the bearded dragon.
  • Locusts obtained from unreliable sources may be contaminated with pesticides, chemicals, or parasites, which can harm the bearded dragon.
  • Some bearded dragons may have allergies or sensitivities to certain insects, including locusts, which can lead to allergic reactions.
  • Feeding only locusts without a varied diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances in the bearded dragon’s diet.
  • Locusts may carry parasites that can infect the bearded dragon and cause health issues if not properly treated or prevented.


Here are some answers to your most common questions.

Q. What bugs can beardies not eat?

Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat bugs like fireflies or hard-shelled beetles because they can make them sick.

Q. What is a bearded dragon’s worst enemy?

Bearded dragons have to watch out for bigger animals like other reptiles, birds, or household pets. They also need the right temperature and home to stay healthy.

Q. What is a bearded dragon’s favorite food?

Bearded dragons enjoy eating insects like crickets, roaches, and mealworms. They also like some fruits and veggies like greens, squash, and berries.

Q. What is the best protein for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons need protein for energy, and they get it from insects like crickets, dubia roaches, and black soldier fly larvae. These insects have the nutrients that keep bearded dragons healthy.

Q. What does a dehydrated beardie look like?

A dehydrated bearded dragon might have sunken eyes, wrinkly skin, and act tired. Their skin might not bounce back when you pinch it, and they might not want to eat. It’s important to give them water and see a vet if they’re dehydrated.

Final Thoughts

It’s good for bearded dragons to eat locusts, but we need to make sure they’re safe and healthy. Get locusts from good places, prepare them well, and give your dragon different foods. Watch how they react and talk to a vet if you’re worried. Taking care of your bearded dragon’s diet can keep them healthy and happy.

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