Can Bearded Dragons Eat Weed? No, It’s Not Safe!

You care a lot about your bearded dragon and want to make sure it eats the right things. Recently, you’ve been wondering about something unusual: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Weed? No, it’s not safe for bearded dragons to eat weed or any form of cannabis. It can seriously hurt them and even cause death. 

The chemicals in marijuana, like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are toxic to bearded dragons, even in small amounts. If they eat it, their endocannabinoid system can get messed up, making them disoriented, really slow, and possibly vomit.

From a health perspective, there’s no good reason for reptiles like bearded dragons to eat cannabis. It’s not good for them and can be harmful. It’s strongly recommended not to feed them anything that has toxins or harmful stuff to keep them safe and healthy.

The Long-Term Effects Of Weed On A Bearded Dragon’s Health

The Long Term Effects Of Weed On A Bearded Dragon's Health

Long-term use of weed can seriously harm bearded dragons in a few ways.

Firstly, it weakens their immune system, making them more prone to getting sick. The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, can suppress their immune system, leading to problems like respiratory and skin infections, and even sepsis.

Marijuana can also mess with a bearded dragon’s ability to reproduce. It disrupts their hormone production, making breeding difficult and causing infertility. If they’re exposed to THC while growing, it could even lead to birth defects.

Liver damage is another risk. THC can hurt the liver, causing issues like jaundice, cirrhosis, and even liver failure. It doesn’t stop there – marijuana can also affect their brains, causing structural and functional changes that result in behavioral problems like aggression, anxiety, and cognitive issues.

Aside from these specific health problems, marijuana contributes to an overall decline in a bearded dragon’s health. It reduces their appetite, leading to weight loss and malnutrition. 

Plus, it messes with how they absorb nutrients from food, making nutritional deficiencies worse. It’s best to keep marijuana away from bearded dragons for their well-being.

Can I Smoke Weed Around My Bearded Dragon?

No, it is not advisable to smoke weed or expose your bearded dragon to any form of cannabis smoke. Bearded dragons are highly sensitive to environmental changes, and cannabis smoke, with its psychoactive compounds like THC, can negatively impact their health in several ways

Breathing Problems

Bearded dragons can have trouble breathing when exposed to cannabis smoke. Their respiratory systems aren’t built to handle smoke, which might stress them out and make them uncomfortable.

Harmful Compounds

The chemicals in cannabis, especially THC, can be dangerous for bearded dragons. Inhaling the smoke exposes them to these substances, possibly causing toxicity, confusion, and other negative effects.

Overall Stress

Bearded dragons are sensitive to changes in their surroundings. The unique smell and potentially stressful impact of cannabis smoke can make them anxious and generally stressed.

To ensure the well-being of your bearded dragon, it’s crucial to provide a clean and smoke-free environment. If you choose to use substances like cannabis, it’s recommended to do so in a separate area away from your pet. 

What Should You Do If Your Bearded Dragon Accidentally Ingests Weed? 

What Should You Do If Your Bearded Dragon Accidentally Ingests Weed

If your bearded dragon accidentally eats weed, like cannabis, it’s really important to talk to a reptile vet quickly. Cannabis has stuff in it, such as THC, which can be harmful to bearded dragons, even if it’s just a little bit. 

Getting advice from a vet right away is the key. Tell them how much and when it happened so they can give the best advice. Keep an eye on your dragon for signs like feeling lazy, acting confused, or having tummy problems. 

Additionally, make sure there’s no more weed around, and help your dragon by giving them water and keeping things warm. The vet might want to do tests to see how much THC your dragon got. 

However, acting fast and doing what the vet says can help your bearded dragon get better. Always keep things that might hurt your dragon in a safe place and watch out for accidents.


Here are some answers to your most common questions.

Q. Are dandelions poisonous to bearded dragons?

No, they aren’t. Dandelions are safe for bearded dragons, providing a nutritious addition to their diet. Ensure they are pesticide-free.

Q. Can Bearded Dragons Get High?

Yes, exposure to substances like cannabis can severely harm bearded dragons, causing lethargy, disorientation, and digestive issues.

Q. What is toxic to bearded dragons?

Foods like avocados, certain insects, and plants like ivy are toxic to bearded dragons. Research and avoid harmful items.

Q. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Marijuana Leaves?

No, bearded dragons should not consume marijuana leaves. THC in cannabis can be toxic, leading to health problems.

Q. Can you vape around a bearded dragon?

No, you shouldn’t vape around your bearded dragon. Vape smoke can harm their respiratory systems, causing distress. Maintain a smoke-free environment.

Final words

All things considered, it’s essential to keep cannabis, including weed, far away from bearded dragons. They can’t handle the substances in it, like THC, and it can seriously harm them. Stick to a safe and balanced diet with insects, veggies, and fruits recommended by a vet. 

If there’s ever a chance your bearded dragon ate weed, contact a reptile vet right away for guidance. Keeping them healthy means avoiding things that could hurt them.

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