Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts? Yes, of course!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts

Bearded Dragons eat all sorts of different things, which can sometimes be surprising. One question that often comes up among people who like reptiles is Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts? Yes, bearded dragons can eat locusts. Locusts are good food for them because they’re full of protein and other important nutrients.  But make sure the … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Weed? No, It’s Not Safe!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Weed

You care a lot about your bearded dragon and want to make sure it eats the right things. Recently, you’ve been wondering about something unusual: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Weed? No, it’s not safe for bearded dragons to eat weed or any form of cannabis. It can seriously hurt them and even cause death.  The … Read more

Why Is The Bearded Dragon Humidity At 70 At Night?

bearded dragon humidity 70 at night

If you study Bearded Dragon Humidity 70 At night, your bearded dragon is vulnerable to a variety of health complications. The excessive humidity levels have a direct impact on their respiratory health.  In addition, if you maintain a humidity level of 70% overnight it might potentially promote fungal or bacterial infections. This is why bearded … Read more

Bearded Dragon Open Mouth After Eating: No Need to Worry!

Bearded Dragon Open Mouth After Eating

Bearded dragons typically open their mouths after eating, which can occur for a variety of reasons. They could be adjusting their body temperature, helping digestion, or simply relaxing out. This allows them to calm down after eating and improves their breathing. Some dragons may also use it to stretch and relax their mouth muscles. However, … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grubs?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grubs

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grubs like mealworms, superworms, and waxworms. These bugs have good stuff like protein and vitamins that help bearded dragons stay healthy. But it’s important to not give them too many grubs because they’re also high in fat.  So, grubs should be like a special snack sometimes, not their main food. … Read more

Bearded Dragon Defense Mode! The Unmatched Tactics and Survival Instincts

bearded dragon defense mode

Bearded dragons exhibit unique defense mechanisms when they feel threatened. In what is known as the “beard display” or “beard puffing,” they inflate the spiny pouch under their chin, which darkens and resembles a beard. This is often accompanied by behaviors like body flattening, hissing, mouth-opening, and puffing up to appear larger, all designed to … Read more

Baby Bearded Dragon Only Eating 5 Crickets a Day!

Baby Bearded Dragon Only Eating 5 Crickets a Day

If your baby bearded dragon only eats five crickets a day, it might mean it’s not feeling well. Make sure its home is warm enough (around 100-110°F) and not too hot or cold (around 80°F). Take it to the vet regularly to check for any problems or bugs that could be bothering it. Give it … Read more