Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato Leaves?

can bearded dragons eat tomato leaves

No, bearded dragons should not eat tomato leaves. Tomato leaves have harmful substances. These include solanine and tomatine. If ingested, they can be toxic to your pet. These toxins can lead to digestive issues, lethargy, and even more serious health problems. It’s important to avoid feeding tomato leaves to your pet dragon to keep them … Read more

How Cold Can Bearded Dragons Get At Night?

How Cold Can Bearded Dragons Get At Night

On a cold night, you are spending time with your beloved Bearded Dragon. You’re a little worried about this question, How cold bearded dragons can get at night? Bearded dragons can handle nighttime temperatures between 65 to 75°F (18 to 24°C). While they need a warm basking spot during the day, a slight temperature drop … Read more

Can A Bearded Dragon Eat Grasshoppers?

Can A Bearded Dragon Eat Grasshoppers

You’re thinking about giving grasshoppers to the bearded dragon, but you’re not sure if it’s okay. So, can A Bearded Dragon Eat Grasshoppers? Yes, bearded dragons can eat grasshoppers as part of their food. In the wild, they eat different bugs, and grasshoppers can be a healthy snack for them in captivity. Just make sure … Read more