Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting We want to keep your personal information safe. Here’s a simple explanation: We have a notice that tells you how we use your information online. You can find this notice easily on our main webpage and whenever we ask for your personal details.

We promise to keep your private stuff safe and to make cool technology. Moreover, it gives you a strong and safe online experience.

Billing and Personal Information

Billing and personal information is encrypted whenever transmitted or received online. Personal information is accessible only to staff, agents, or contractors of the Provider.

Scope of Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to all Provider-owned websites and domains. It covers personally identifiable information, anonymous data collection, and aggregate reporting. Personally identifiable information is any information associated with your name or personal identity.

What We Collect

When you sign up or buy something, you might share information like your name, address, phone number, email, and username. This could also include details about your payment, like credit card information.

When you browse our website, you do so anonymously. We may log your IP address (the Internet address of your computer) to give us an idea of which part of our website you visit and how long you spend there. 

But we will not link your IP address to any personal information unless you have logged in to our website. Like many other commercial websites, the website may use a standard technology called a “cookie”. 

We use cookies to collect information about how you use the site. Please go to “Use of Cookies” below for more information.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google’s privacy policy is available at:

How We Use It

We use your information for these reasons

  • Make Things Easy: So you don’t have to keep typing your details, making it simpler for you to use the website.
  • Give You What You Want: To provide the things you ask for or buy on the site.
  • Show You Cool Stuff: To share exciting news with you, like better products, special deals, and new services. Keep an eye out for updates!
  • Hear Your Thoughts: We want to know what you think through online surveys to make things better.
  • Join Fun Offers: You can be part of special offers and promotions.
  • Get Help: If you need assistance or have questions, we’re here to help you out.

Who We Share It With

We promise not to sell or rent your personal information. But, in some situations, we might need to share it—like if the law says so, to protect our stuff, or if there’s something tricky going on. If we join forces with another company, your info might move over, but we won’t let you know.

We won’t give your info to others without asking you first, except for what we talked about here. We only use it for the things we explained, like answering questions, fixing problems, and keeping you updated. Sometimes, we might share your info with our helpers to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Internet Commerce

When you sign up online with Provider, you get to choose how private you want your credit card, name, address, email, and other info to be. We really care about keeping your information safe. 

We use something called SSL encryption, a fancy name for a tool that helps protect your details while you’re on our website.

Security of Your Personal Information

We take strong measures to keep your personal info safe. We make sure it’s not lost, misused, or accessed by anyone without permission. Inside our company, your data is stored on secure servers with limited access.

You play a big part too! Don’t share your username and password with anyone, so your personal info stays safe. 

When we collect sensitive data, like credit card details, we use something called SSL encryption to keep it secure. Your credit card info is only used for payments and nothing else, protecting you from fraud.

Access to Your Personal Information

We will provide you with the means to ensure that your personal information is correct and current. You may review and update this information at any time by logging into your account.

To keep your stuff safe, we’ll ask for your password and username to make sure it’s really you before letting you see your information.

Use of Cookies

Our websites don’t collect personal info, but they do count how many people visit. This helps us improve without using anyone’s personal details. We might use cookies to make your online experience better, but they won’t harm your computer. You can choose if you want to use cookies or not, but saying no might limit some website features.


This website might have links to other sites. Remember, we’re not in charge of what those sites show or how they handle privacy. We suggest you pay attention when you leave our site and check the privacy info on any other site that asks for your personal details.

For more information, please contact us at the provided email address: